02.07.2025 "PRESS, SWING, LUNGE"
5 rounds:
6 KB Snatch to push up (each arm)
20 Single arm alternating KB swings (10 each arm)
20 KB Goblet Skipping lunges
*Rest 2:00 mins between rounds
Rx: 53/35lb Kettlebell
Scaled: 35/26lb Kettlebell
Scoring= for time
I just came across tribe n training. Looks awesome. I’m confused with the membership $20/month? What equipment will I need? I have kettlebells, training vest(s) with 2(10lb) and 2(20lb) plates plus a ruck sack. I don’t have any sand bags or medicine balls. I’m open to your suggestions! I need to get back into shape!
TY in advance
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