The most common question asked when someone wants to start rucking is, “Do I need to be at a certain fitness level?” No. Rucking is simply walking or hiking with added weight. It’s something people do every day and may not even realize it. Carrying children or unloading groceries from the car? Rucking. Taking boxes down from the attic? Rucking. Walking around campus or commuting to work with your backpack? Also rucking!
Rucking shouldn't be uncomfortable due to the gear you're wearing. Sure, filling a backpack with a handful of books and walking around the block a few times is rucking, but this method doesn’t allow for proper weight distribution. Plus, once you start rucking regularly and lugging larger weights around, you’ll want to invest in some purpose-built gear for a more comfortable walk.

To get started rucking, you’ll want the Rucker 4.0 or Ruck Plate Carrier (RPC). The Rucker 4.0 is the ultimate tool for getting stronger under weight. The Ruck Plate Carrier is a more streamlined option—perfect for adding weight to gym sessions, bodyweight workouts, or even rucking the dog around the block. Either way, both are purpose-built for rucking with weight high and tight on your back, as shown in this video . Additionally, both pieces of gear share these pros:
1. Extra padded straps and top handle to make carrying heavier loads easier
2. Zero irritation when rucking in a sports bra
3. Ergonomic lumbar support
Walking is a fitness activity that everyone, especially women, should be committing to daily. When your Apple Watch buzzes your wrist with the words, “Time to stand!,” why not challenge yourself to ruck? If it’s a sunny Saturday morning, ruck your kids to the park. Life is busy and time with friends needs to be scheduled. Instead of a wine night, grab some friends and go for a ruck—because fitness is better with good company. Rucking is a simple way to amplify your walk and the health benefits are very straight forward. So much so, that you’re literally doing yourself a disservice NOT rucking.

Next question to consider: what weight should you start with? Lighter loads (anywhere from 10 lbs up to 1/3 of your body weight) build strength without the risk of overworking your back. If you don’t want to miss your rucking regimen while traveling, Sand Ruck plates are great and won’t cause you any issues with TSA. If you’re planning to keep your Ruck Plate at home, the 10 lb plate is the perfect starter.
Now you know how easy it is to start rucking—and you’ve got the best gear on the planet to do it. The only question left is how often to ruck. The good news? There’s no wrong answer. Just get out there and move. Rucking is walking with weight. If you’re wearing weight, you’re rucking. Consider swapping your walk for rucking and go every single day if you can. Rucking is for everyone - it doesn’t require a gym membership or subscription. However, it does require commitment and at times, it will be hard. But committing to hard things makes us better - for ourselves, for our families, and for our communities. Ruck hard and ruck often!