The Patch - Ranger Panties Ruck, known as Silkies, showcase the iconic Ruck logo with an American flag design.

Patch - Ranger Panties Ruck

Regular price$5.00

Since the weather is starting to warm up, we thought we’d bring back a good ol’ fashion Ranger Panties Ruck. So track down your RPs and get some sun on those thighs! Bonus points for rucking through busy public spaces and making sure everyone sees what you’re bringing to the table.

The Details

  • 4 miles minimum
  • Everyone must be wearing Ranger Panties/Silkies (bonus cool points for carrying Old Glory)
  • No weight requirement; use your normal training weight
  • You have to ruck with at least 4 other people. Minimum 5 people per group. Everyone must be in the group picture where we can see and count them in order to be eligible.
  • Screencap of distance covered with some sort of date/time stamp
  • Share on social media and use #RUCKCLUBCALLOUT and tag @goruck.

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