A person trains with kettlebells outdoors, surrounded by grass and a cloudy sky. Text overlay reads: GORUCK Kettle Bell Curve Training Program with Nichele (8-Week Training Program).

Kettle Bell Curve Training Program with Nichele (8-Week Training Program)

Regular price$82.00

Kettle Bell Curve is an 8 week program, 3 days per week, for all levels.

NOTE: PDF with video movement library will be sent via email after order is completed

3 workouts per week, which can be done as stand alone workouts or in addition to a distance ruck, strength training and/or daily SRT programming.

Pick a weight that is challenging but doable. Have at least 2 different weights, so you have a heavy and light option. Quality is key, so for the first 2 weeks work on proper form and technique. The middle 4 weeks you will work on building up in weight and increasing your speed while maintaining proper form. The last 2 weeks we will begin to taper back down and finish with another round of testers.

Why Incorporate Kettlebell Training?

  • Suitable for both beginners and high-performing athletes
  • A single piece of equipment that offers an efficient full-body workout for injury recovery, performance improvement, and building power and strength
  • Engages stabilizing muscles and improves grip strength
  • Enhances core strength, dynamic movements, and powerlifting
  • Versatile for cardio, strength, flexibility, and isolated movement patterns
  • Using kettlebells improves muscle mass for joint protection and prevents imbalances

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