Patch - Badass Babes Anti-Virtual Challenge

Patch - Badass Babes Anti-Virtual Challenge

Regular price$10.00


Babes from all over want to be a part of the annual Badass Babes weekend, even if they can not attend the live events. We understand that traveling to a destination event is not possible for everyone. But that shouldn't stop you from participating in the Badass Babes events!

If you still want to take part in our Badass Babes events this year from anywhere in the world, order your patch, download the PDF, complete the workouts, and get after it.

How It Works
  • How to Register: By purchasing the patch, you will automatically be registered for the Anti-Virtual Badass Babes Event.
  • How will the Virtual Event work?: A Participant Packet explaining the Badass Babes Anti-Virtual Event is linked HERE for you to follow.
  • Can I do this solo or does it have to be completed with a group?: You can complete the Badass Babes Anti-Virtual Event by yourself. Although we highly recommend doing it with some friends (rucking with buddies is a lot more fun). We also suggest reaching out to your local Ruck Club Leader to see if they set up a meeting point to complete it together.
  • Patches will ship out by Mid October

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